Aric Jackson is coming to speak to BHS on Sept. 30. Jackson began the path to public speaking by reading poetry to audiences. He was selected as “Best New Speaker” in 2000 by the Chicago Chapter of the International Speech Organization. This recognition made him recognize how much he wanted to continue to inspire people. After he realized how much he was impacting his audiences with poetry he shared, Jackson discovered that there was a void to be filled with more strong teens and youth across America. With that being said, Jackson took his poetry and words to the next level.
Jackson is the founder of Generation Leadership. He has served as a student leadership speaker for: Future Business Leaders of America, Health Occupation Students Association, Future Career and Community Leaders of America and statewide student council conferences across the country. His mission is to teach, inspire, and encourage all those who hear him. Some of his speaking topics include: overcoming fear and unlocking your potential, empowering student voice and proactive leadership, empowering the next generation of leaders, and creating an environment where students thrive.