On Tuesday, Feb. 25, one Beloit High team and two junior high teams attended regional KidWind competition in Manhattan, Kan. Each team designs and builds its own unique turbine in order to generate the most energy possible in 30 seconds.
The high school team includes Brylee LePon, Rilee Lundine, Tripp Stillwell and Colby Albert. They will be advancing to State KidWind after reaching 57 Joules in 30 seconds.
One junior high group- Girl Energy- includes Charlotte Norton, Alison Goddard, Madison Stillwell, Oakleigh Adams and Emmery Manning. They will also be going to State after getting 51 Joules in 30 seconds.
The second junior high group- Sandy’s Squad- includes Avery Loomis, Brecken LeSage, Aaliyah Dunigan and Whitley Gronewoller. They were able to generate 31 Joules in 30 seconds and just missed qualifying for State.