Beloit High’s JAG-K students competed at their Region 1 CDC (Career Development Conference) at Barton County Community College on Feb 24. They had multiple state qualifiers in several events.
Gracie Hicks placed 1st in Employability Skills. Collin Falloon and Zane Wagner placed 1st in Business Plan. Their business plan is called “Fresh Start Outdoors.” Chance Ullom placed 3rd in Financial Literacy. Emilie Sadler, Paxon Milbers and Savannah Smith placed 3rd in Project-Based Learning. They used “The Hygiene Drive” for their contest.
The Beloit JAG-K program placed 2nd overall as a team at Regionals. They will compete at state at Wichita State University in March.
Advisor Jacee Tice adds, “I tell my students every year to just do their best at the Regional CDC meet. I try in no way to put added “pressure” on them that is not necessary, because at the end of the day, this is about personal growth. For the kids to do so well and overall place second as a team, that is just a cherry on top! I’m proud of each and every one of them! It is very exciting to be able to take seven students to this prestigious event on March 12th. They will represent BJSHS very well.”